Détails produit

  • LP 311H One Handed Triangle

LP 311H One Handed Triangle

€ 49.00
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Référence : LPHONE729H
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Détails produit

The Latin Percussion's unique One-Handed Triangle is a hi-tech renovation on the triangle which has been a staple of the percussionist's arsenal for centuries. Thanks to the imagination of Doug Hinrichs (percussionist with the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical In The Heights) and the creative talents of the LP design team, everything about the one handed triangle is new. Instead of being suspended by a cord, the specially bent triangle bar is entirely contained within a plastic grip that's vented in such a way as to retain all of the bar's sustain and projection capabilities. This grip also contains a Teflon-wrapped striker bullet that moves in a track between the sides of the bar. The size and weight of the striker bullet has been carefully chosen to produce optimal volume and sustain from the triangle bar. The tapered shape of the OHT lets it fit comfortably in the player's hand, making it easy to create a wide variety of movements. Strategically positioned openings in the grip provide finger access to the triangle bar itself, which allows for both open and muffled triangle playing. This makes the OHT particularly applicable to Latin and Brazilian rhythms. It can even produce sustained triangle rolls. The fact that the OHT can do all of this while being held in one hand raises a tough question for the percussionist: What to play with the other hand? How about a shaker? A tambourine? A second OHT? (Now that's just scary.) The possibilities are endless.

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